I code. I architect systems: usually in the cloud. I teach. I lead teams. I showcase the awesomeness I see in others.

Making things simple is actually one of the harder things you do in software development. Usually as you grow in your career you will be exposed to at least a couple systems where you are left wondering “how did they ever let it get this bad”. The “bad” we have many words for. Often times, it gets to that point because we don’t prioritize Simplicity enough as leaders.

I’ve seen a lot of people talking about the importance of asynchronous communication, and prioritizing that over synchronous styles. However, when it comes to getting down to brass tax of exactly how to transition into that type of culture, I haven’t seen a lot of material on the subject. I’m hoping to close that gap some today.

If Integrity is the cornerstone, then Empathy is a very strong counter weight. I wouldn’t consider myself balanced as a leader if I hadn’t learned how to have Empathy, both for my team and for those around me. And while Integrity did tend to come naturally to me, Empathy was something that took some hard lessons for me to learn.

Be Replaceable
When you want to take the next step in your career a lot of people will tell you to “do the job that you want”. This isn’t wrong, but I don’t think it’s a complete picture when it comes to leading. I would argue that preparing for your next step actually starts with showing others how to do what you do. It’s the opposite of what I hear a lot of people recommend. Show your team how to do what you do, so you can replace yourself. That’s the first step…

Creating a DSL with your team
Using the terminology and language that everyone uses to describe your product inside the actual code that your team uses can give you a huge advantage in productivity. This is something I’ve gotten into the habit of doing with the teams that I lead and I thought it would be worth sharing.

Don’t Be a Rockstar
When we first started using slack at work I noticed that colleagues were putting their titles or roles in their profiles. Mine says “Awesomeness Showcaser”. It really stuck with me. Now anywhere I put my role I like to include that if I can. Showing how great your team is or others around helping you succeed is a critical part of being a good leader.

Know Your Stuff
Getting into Leadership you are immediately confronted with a major shift in what expectations there are of you in your role. You are no longer a sole contributor. You’re expected to help others do their job.